My First Dig At Buying Women’s Handbag Was A Memorable One


I can climb the most unfriendly mountains and jump out of an aircraft mid-air, easy as pie. What I find challenging, however, is buying women’s gifts.I needed to get my wife something nice for her anniversary and my time was fast running out. I confided in a female colleague who suggested I try a bag or purse on and I was overwhelmed by the myriad of women bags there are. After hours of hours of browsing through hundreds of women gears, I was at a crossroad. So I made a decision; I went for a bag and a wallet.

My order arrived in good time and I loved what I saw. I presented them to my wife and her eyes lit up with a girl’s delight. I almost got jealous wondering if she lights up that way for me. To say she was head over heels in love with the bag will be an understatement. If there was an earthquake, she’d save herself first, then the bag, then the wallet! Thanks to, pleasing my wife on her anniversary was in the bag.

Everything about the bag and wallet were perfect. The bag was firm at the edges with a delicate silky interior. The wallet was the same brand and also of a very high quality. The leather was smooth and easy on the fingers. The bag had a silvery chain – hardware I hear it’s called – that blended easily with the platinum grey color of the leather. The wallet was the exact same color but had no chain. My wife simply can’t get enough of the bag, as she takes it out almost all the time. She couldn’t even believe it was a replica until she conducted some thorough inspection. I think it’s safe to say just earned themselves new customers in myself and my wife. And I will be sure to recommend them to my buddies.