The 5 Reasons Why Your Skin Looks Dull

Your Skin Looks Dull

The modern lifestyle has resulted in many types of skin problems. Some of the reasons for most of the skin problems are improper sleep, poor diet and pollution that make the skin look dull and lifeless all the time. Some of the common factors that cause dull skin include smoking, excessive, alcohol consumption, dehydration and poor diet. Basically, any of these factors can trigger skin problems that can deprive your skin of much needed oxygen and nutrients will result in dull skin tone.

The good news is that you can make your skin look great again with a good skin care regime. But, before you embark on the journey, you first need to understand the reasons why your skin looks the way it does.

If your skin looks dull and lifeless, then here are the five most important reasons that can help you tackle the problems:

  1. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can make you look aged than you actually are. When you don’t get adequate sleep,your body realises more stress hormones that can make your skin look lacklustre, and fine lines on skin can appear along with dark circles under the eyes. Lack of sleep also causes body to release less growth hormone which can delay skin repair. The solution to this problem is to have an adequate amount of sleep. The quality of the sleep also needs to good. To get good quality sleep, keep your bedroom screen free, eat two hours before going to bed,and don’t take any alcohol or caffeine. You can easily get skincare products online using Nykaa coupons with great discount.

  1. Dehydration

We all know why water is so important for our skin.if you don’t drink enough water our skin will feel tight and dull and it will lose its elasticity. You may experience more exaggerated wrinkles or dark circle than usual. Drink enough water so that your skin can work properly and always stay hydrated. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking adequate water and using good quality skin products to make you skin look always fresh and healthy.

  1. Sun block Cream

Excess sun exposure can lead to visible signs of ageing on your skin. The UVA and UVB rays from the sun are the major cause of the wrinkles, sun spots, skin pigmentation and sagging skin. Next time whenever you step out never forget to wear a good sunscreen cream. Whether its summer or winter sunscreen is must before going out. You need to make sure to choose sunscreen with a good SPF based on your skin type.

  1. Diet

Diet play very important role for healthy skin. It is said that ‘you are what you eat’ and it is true – whatever we eat it shows in our skin. A diet that is full of processed food, lots of sugar,packaged food will make your skin dull, lifeless, ageing and prone to breakouts. You need to feed your skin with balanced diet just like your body. A balanced diet should be full of green vegetables, fruits, fats and complex carbohydrate. A good diet will give you body with antioxidant s and nutrients to skin that needs to regenerate and glow.

  1. Stress

If you have stress, it can badly affect your skin. Working late night, and not getting enough sleep will make you feel tired and your skin will look tired. Try to de-stress your body by getting a good amount of sleep, a good full body and facial massage will help in decreasing you stress level. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Leading a healthy lifestyle will require you to make wise decisions regarding your eating, drinking and sleeping choices.

Follow the Daily Skin Care Routine

To make your skin look great and healthy, you will need to follow a great skin care routine. The first thing you need to do is cleanse your skin, wash the face, moisturize and keep it well hydrated. You need to keep your skin well cared for if you want your skin to look young and healthy. You also need to drink enough water and stay hydrated through the night. In the morning, you need to ensure that you clean and moisturize your skin to keep it supple and healthy.

Choose skin care products based on your skin type so that you can keep your skin looking healthy and fresh for a long time. When choosing the skin products keep in mind that it does not have many harmful elements like parabens. You can get latest free job alert updates from fresh hiring.

The Bottom-Line

These are the five major reasons why your skin looks dull. If you want to keep your skin healthy and fresh, you need to address the problem and find the right solution. It is important that you follow a skin care routine so that you can keep your skin looking healthy.