The goods and the bads of using sulfur for your skincare

Skin care. Woman face with green clay mud mask. Girl taking care of oily complexion. Beauty treatment.

An essential mineral that used to help your health with a lot of benefits will help your skin from now. Skin, bone, teeth, hair, and muscle everything is helped tremendously by sulfur. People are having hard times with dermatitis. Psoriasis has tested it on their body and seen a difference. Your daily dose of sulfur can be ensured by eggs, meat, fish, garlic, onion, dairy, and beans. These natural sulfur will give you enough nutrition. But before using any product like sulfur talk to your dermatologist to be sure. So here is some use of sulfur for your skin care to help you know its benefits.

Benefits of using sulfur:

Sulfur is anti-aging:

Our natural collagen production gets boosted by sulfur. Harmful bacteria living in our skin is sometimes responsible for accelerating aging. But sulfur is an anti-aging agent that helps our skin to be germ-free. When we are aging the sulfur production reduces so much that causes the wrinkle. Putting topical sulfur will help to get them back.

Sulfur for dandruff:

Skin build up is stopped by sulfur, and that helps with dandruff. Dandruff is caused by too much skin production that is washed away by exfoliating properties of sulfur.

Eczema treated by sulfur:

Eczema is a very annoying and painful disease. There are a lot of remedies are out there, but sulfur is most effective among them. Therapeutic properties of sulfur stop the irritation in the skin. People with eczema should try soap bars with sulfur. It will clean them and provide medicinal benefits as well.

Sulfur cures rosacea:

Rosacea is an annoying problem that makes our cheeks red. More than ten percent of the population suffers from this. Sulfur kills the bacteria of cheeks that is causing all the irritation. Thus sulfur can cure rosacea.

Cautions To be taken when applying sulfur:

Sulfurs are not taken naturally. You can use it as an ointment and cream. There is a sulfur clay mask that is good for oil controlling and controlling whatever skin issues you may have. Dimethyl sulfoxide is another form that you can use as sulfur. There are the cleanser, lotions, and gel available for use for skin care.

The first check is sulfur good for your skin or not. If you use a sulfur based cleanser, then do not wash the skin more than twice a day. Take some drops of olive oil to keep the balance of oil in the skin. It was for oily skin, but dry skin people should use the sulfur-based cleanser every other day.

Apply sunscreen:

If you use sulfur as your skincare, then it is a must to use sunscreen. Sulfur makes the skin photosensitive. It means that the skin will be easily sunburned. So sunscreen is a must.

Potential Dangers of sulfur:

kidney patients should stay away from sulfur

If you have kidney diseases, stay away from sulfur. Do not use it if you have an allergy that will be irritated by sulfur. Applying sulfur mixed with other skin care product is not safe. Ask your dermatologist is sulfur good for your skin. If they suggest, then go for it. Topical sulfur is not safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Before starting to use sulfur as your staple skincare item, use it in the side of your chin. If you do not feel any irritation or redness there, then you can use it.

Never apply sulfur to broken skin

Do not apply sulfur to broken skin. If you have discoloration in the skin because of sunburn, then do not apply sulfur there. Irritation will occur to the skin because of this. If you think that covering the area where you asked sulfur will work better then be cautious. It may burn your skin.


Everything on this earth has good or bad sides. You should be able to decide what is working for you or not. Be careful and then use sulfur. If taken full care then sulfur can be proved to be a blessing for problems of your skin.