In the Delightful World of Bathing Rituals


Bathing, as conventional as it may be, is much more than washing your body when you get into the world of bathing rituals. In some parts of the world, bathing entails a deeper meaning. In Japan, bathing is much more; you’d be delighted to enter into the world, into the “meditative” world of bathing ritual.

Japan’s onsen is remarkable for the revival of the soul with the special form of bathing that tends to serve as a form of meditation for the bathers. With a fully naked body, anyone wishing to undergo this bathing ritual will deep into the bath without wearing anything. The hot spring baths are at designated places and they are separated into the male and female section for the sake of nudity. This is perceived as a form of cleansing for the mind, body, and the soul.

Closely related to the remarkable hot spring is the Ofuro tub. With this, bathers used to the Japanese bathing can also experience the delight of being in one of the hot springs. The Ofuro tub soaks will also serve to replicate the hot spring soak and bathers can relish the feeling and wash away their sorrows.

Even so, spa clubs like Dubunne also offers a good Ofuro tub soak for the one who wants to relish the Japanese bathing experience. This one even comes with various fragrances for maximum enjoyment. The number of phases that would be experienced in the natural Japanese onsen also comes in the tub made for the purpose of replication (just as some areas in Japan are also connected to the hot spring to bring out the natural experience).

Bathing rituals even extends around other parts of the world. In Turkey, you can experience a special type of bath. Special stones are utilized in Turkey’s bathing rituals and you’d be delighted like never before.

The Torrance beach is also one place for you to get your mind cooled and experience the sight and the colorful water of the beach. Talk about the Banya of Russia, this beats your imagination and tends to cool you down after a rigorous day. Fiji Island is just another place you could get your hot head cooled and frolic in the coolness of the flower-ful water. The bath in Korea is also something to relish after a good experience in the cool liquid.

Something peculiar in the bathing rituals is the putting off of stress and the renewal of the body and soul. Sure, daily life stress tends to be weary and a meditational time spent in the cool spring or ocean is sure to keep the head cooled and who knows you might even sleep off and dream of the utopic state you’ve never witnessed.